Professor Christopher Gerry is Co-Investigator and Co-Founder of the Oxford Belarus Observatory. Currently, he is Dean of the Graduate School of Development at the University of Central Asia in Bishkek and continues with an Oxford affiliation. Prior to joining UCA, Professor Gerry was Head of Oxford University’s School of Global and Area Studies and Full Professor in Public Health and Health Economics of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. During his time at Oxford (2017-2022) he was a Governing Body member of St Antony’s College, where he also served as Dean of the College for 4 years. Before this, he served as Professor of Health Economics at HSE University in St. Petersburg (2014-2017), where he established a successful research laboratory in Health Economics and Policy. Professor Gerry also spent 12 years (2002-2014) at UCL, where he was appointed as Assistant Professor (2002) and then Associate Professor (2007). His research has focused on the economics of health, welfare, inequality and labour markets in Eurasia, and he has published widely in many of the leading journals in Public Health, Health Economics and Area Studies.