The purpose of the Oxford Belarus Observatory (OBO) is to raise awareness and knowledge of contemporary issues and challenges facing Belarus, including as those relate to war in Ukraine and its enduring consequences.
Book Launch: "Belarus in the XXI century: Between dictatorship and democracy" 22 June, 4pm, Prince Philip House in London
Book Launch: "Belarus in the XXI century: Between dictatorship and democracy" 22 June, 4pm, Prince Philip House in London
New OBO Policy Brief: "Resilient autocracies: What we can learn about their defeat?" June 8, 2023
New OBO Policy Brief: "Resilient autocracies: What we can learn about their defeat?" June 8, 2023
New OBO Policy Brief: "China, Belarus and Russia: A geopolitical triangle" May 25, 2023
New OBO Policy Brief: "China, Belarus and Russia: A geopolitical triangle" May 25, 2023
New OBO Policy Brief: "The EU’s approach towards Belarus, in the context of the wider neighbourhood: Is there a strategy?" May 11, 2023
New OBO Policy Brief: "The EU’s approach towards Belarus, in the context of the wider neighbourhood: Is there a strategy?" May 11, 2023
New OBO Policy Brief: "Repressions and cultural resistance: How to help Belarusians fight cultural oppression?"
New OBO Policy Brief: "Repressions and cultural resistance: How to help Belarusians fight cultural oppression?"
New OBO Policy Brief: "Belarus’ anti-authoritarian movement and women’s rights: Female activism in times of terror and war"
New OBO Policy Brief: "Belarus’ anti-authoritarian movement and women’s rights: Female activism in times of terror and war"
New OBO Policy Brief: "Belarus in Ukraine's foreign policy"
New OBO Policy Brief: "Belarus in Ukraine's foreign policy"
A Series of Expert Online Discussions in 2023
A Series of Expert Online Discussions in 2023